Important points Civil Engineers must know(site engineers)
Basic Knowledge for Civil Engineers
1: Weight of first Class brick should be not less than 3.85kg.
2: The Tensile strength of first class brick should be 3000 lbs / sq.inch
3: The normal Height of the building should be 215 cm
4: One Hook length should be get with 9D formula where the D is dia of bar which used in stirrup.
5: Firs class brick should be absorb water 1/5 or 1/6 of brick weight.
6: Thickness of DPC should not be keep less than 2.5 cm
7: Normal Heigh of the window should be 315cm
8: The staircase Riser height of should be 6 cm which is too much comfort for the public.
9: The lintel thickness should be 15 cm
10: Normal and Local sand FM limit should be 0.5 to 0.8
Important points for Civil Site Engineers
1: The compressive strength of Bricks should be not less than 3.5 N/mm2
2: Water Absorption for 1st class bricks should be not less than 15%
3: Use the formulas: D2/162 to find the unit weight of steel in kg/m where D is dai of steel in mm
4: Longitudinal reinforcement should not be under 0.8% and over 6% of gross C/S
5: Use minimum 4 No’s of bars for Square column and 6 No’s of bars in Circular Column.
6: During concrete work Free fall of concrete should be not more than 1.50 meter.
7: Minimum thickness of slab is 125 mm
8: We should not use the lapping length if the dia of steel is over 36mm
9: Earthwork excavation toward basement over 3 m should remain in stepped form
10: Electrical conduit shall not be runs in the columns.
11: Cement should be preserved in dry places on a raised platform roughly 200 mm
12: Main bars Diameter should not be less than 12 mm.
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